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怎么样的英语怎么读how about

时间:2024-09-27 22:04 阅读数:1536人阅读

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怎么样的英语怎么读how about

地道英语口语:问路与指路必备表达合集【精通问路和指路的地道英语口语表达合集】 如何问路: 1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to. 2. Can you help me find my way to. 3. I'm... the second light. Take a left after the gas station. Turn right when you see the library. Stay on this road for about 10 minutes until you reach the pa...


guluguluWater温泉的神翻译揭秘:正确译法大公开!尤其是那些别出心裁的“中式英语”。试着把中文词汇逐个字直译成英文,我们便有了: 枸杞→dog up 怎么是你?→How old are you? 在考试紧要... 你就知道吃 神翻译:Eat 正确翻译:All you think about is eating. 10 不见不散 神翻译:No 参考翻译:Be there or be square. 11 三思而后行 神翻译:T...


积跬步 篇一:如何用英语吵架、怼人?这本书可以帮到你我问谁”如何用地道英文表达。为了方便阅读,视频我放在最后面了。“你问我,我问谁”是一种带有不耐烦情绪的回答。礼貌版:hmmmm good questions. God knows. 不礼貌版:加上语气词“the hell”,“the f*”,如 who the hell/f* knows; (谁XX知道)Like I know (好像我知道似的)How shoul...


